


An Opportunity to Leave Your Mark

Every member of the Loreto Coorparoo community is invited to invest in the ongoing development of our College by contributing their own personal gift towards the area/s of their choice.

Gifts of all sizes are greatly appreciated as they make a difference in the lives of Loreto students. Whether you choose to direct your gift towards enhancing the teaching and learning spaces, towards student bursaries or your intention to leave a bequest, enables us together, to ensure Loreto College Coorparoo is Brisbane’s Leading Independent Catholic Girls’ School and giving all students now and in the future, the best opportunity to a fulfilling education.

I hope you will consider making your tax-deductible gift. Participation is key to delivering our vision for educational excellence, and whatever you can afford to give, we truly thank you. Whether you choose to support the development of our buildings or our student bursary program or consider leaving a bequest, your contribution will make a real difference.

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